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It's Time to Say Goodbye to the Old You

Now is the time to say goodbye to the old you. If you've given your life to Christ, you are a new person! How amazing is that? Imagine this, you dumping all the things you once were, all the things you once did, all the names you were once called right into the garbage, and walking away with your head held high. At that moment, you're smiling the brightest smile because you know you've been set free. You walk away knowing that you have a purpose, knowing that you are now a child of the King. Wow. 

At this point, it's all about what God thinks of you and how you can serve him. So, you can let go of feeling like you have to impress anyone. You can do away with those things you're using or doing to bring happiness into your life for what is really just a short period. I don't need to name them. I'm sure you know. We all have our challenges, but God can help us through them. I'm here to tell you that nothing is going to fill your soul like Jesus, a genuine relationship with him is the only thing that will heal you. 

It's time we realize who we are and whose we are. We serve a mighty God, and our lives should reflect that. That includes where we go, what we say, the things we entertain, and the music we listen to. Yes, these things may create an illusion of happiness for a brief moment. But then what? We keep going into the same cycles over and over again? We have to take a more in-depth look at our lives and start to question if we are truly living for Christ. Are we just trying to be happy when we are called to live holy? Joy comes from the Lord, and that is much greater than happiness. No one can steal the joy that he gives. I'm not here to pass judgment or say we can't have fun. But I am here to tell you what I know in love. Once you give your whole self over to the Lord, your ideas of fun will be different. Honestly, some may call you boring for wanting to have clean fun, and that's okay.  

Why would we want to stay the same? God has so much more in store for us. Once we are willing to give up our old lives, God can really fill us up and use us. He can transform us. It's really amazing. One day about two years ago, I told God I was readyI surrendered myself to him. I'm a walking testimony of how God can change a heart, how he can change your desires. Every now and then, I may think of doing something I used to do, then I realize it isn't worth it. I know that the enemy may be trying to get me off track. So I pray and choose my Bible or worship music instead. Hey, it's not easy and God never said it would be. We aren't perfect, but God is. That's why we must lean on him for strength to walk this narrow path. 

Which path will you take? When will you freely give yourself over to the one who loves you most and choose his plans over your own? Will you take the easy way out and only serve God during church service? Are you willing to give up the things the world loves and turn to the things that glorify God? Are you ready to focus on obeying the word of God? We have free will, so the choice is yours. I hope you'll choose Christ over yourself. 
Shake off that old person, have a praise break! You are saved by grace, you are new in Christ, it's time to start acting like it. Put your crown on, pick up your Bible, and move forward on this journey.

Suggested songs: 
I Give Myself Away by William McDowell 
Glorious Day by Passion
I Surrender by V. Rose
You First by Riley Clemmons 

Recommended Scriptures:
2 Corinthians 5:17 (KJV)
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Galatians 2:20 (KJV)
I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.

Matthew 7:14 (KJV)
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.


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