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Up for the Challenge

It's time for our 3rd challenge!! This challenge will be focused on helping others.

Our generation is so involved in self right now that we sometimes forget to reach out to those in need. I know, we all have needs. But what would the world be like if everyone only focused on themselves? It would be worse than it already is, that's for sure. 

So many people are hopeless and don't know where to turn. There are people broken and hurting. Other believers need to be uplifted. We all go through hard times. People who we see smiling online may be crying when the camera goes off. The strong friend or family member may need someone to check in on them. There are families without food and the bare necessities because of job losses during this trying time our world is facing. The list could go on. 

That's why this challenge will be taking the focus off of you and me. It's time we start loving on others again. It's time we start giving what we can. ( Not just monetary) When we help someone else, we gain a new outlook on life and become even more grateful. It's time we understand that everything ain't all about us. I'm not saying we can't take care of ourselves and that we have to be run over top of. I'm not saying we have to say yes to everyone and can't take a day to ourselves to relax. What I am saying is that this world needs love more than ever. This world needs Jesus. This world needs people who represent Jesus with both words and actions. Like our selfless Saturdays, let's use these two weeks to be a blessing to someone else.   

There are 3 steps to challenge #3. Take a look at the list below. 

Challenge #3

1. Pick 1-3 people to pray for each day for the next 2   weeks. Set aside a specific time to pray just for that  person/those people. Let this prayer time be focused entirely on them. 

2. Pick 1 person or more to bless throughout the next two weeks. This could be the person from #1 or someone else.

      Here are a few ideas: 
  • Send encouraging text messages.      
  • Drop off a thoughtful card.
  • Take them a meal (homecooked or purchased). 
  • Take the kid/kids off of their hands for a few hours.
  • Surprise them with a meaningful gift.
  • Support their business. 
  • Encourage them to pursue their dreams/goals. 
  • Go spend time with them. 
3. Give back. Pick a charity or organization to donate to. This could be your time or a monetary gift if you have it to give.

I know things are different in our world right now, so you may have to get creative with this challenge. Let's make this fun! Do some research online. Maybe you could make cards for children at the hospital or donate online to a food bank.

Help in whatever way you can. Again, it isn't always about money. You can donate your time. You can spread love. A kind word and a prayer can go a long way. 

Hebrews 13:16 NKJV

But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

Philippians 2:3-4 NKJV

Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

Acts 20:35 NKJV

I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'

Challenge #3  in full effect NOW!! 



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