Wow look at her body, I need to get to the
gym. Her outfit is so cute, I need to go shopping. I wish my stomach were
flatter, more crunches for me. What can I do to make my legs bigger? More
squats for me. Dang, did you see her car? I think it's time for an upgrade. Oh,
she just got her Masters, maybe I should go back to school too. You just
purchased your first home, what a major blessing! Then you see a classmate post
their new home that's basically a mansion, and you begin to feel ashamed of the
cute little rancher that you were so thrilled about. Your friend just got a
promotion, so now you're thinking about finding a new position, when you were simply
happy with the position you pleaded to God for.
You look at the woman walking down the hall who looks perfectly polished with
her heels and chic style and think man, I could have done better with myself
today. Instead of giving her a compliment, you start to think of all the
reasons why you could never equal up to her and you start to shrink a little
next to her as you both get in the elevator. You pull your hair out of your
face and adjust your clothing to see if you can make yourself more visually
appealing. You thought you looked nice this morning, but once you saw
home girl dressed to the nines you thought, maybe I should have put on some
makeup and some pumps or something. Suddenly, your favorite cardigan, bun
and flats don't seem as nice as you thought when you walked out of the door
this morning. Yes, ladies I know the feeling. I've been there too. I think we
all have at one point or another. We're always wanting more, never satisfied. I
think it's time we really stop and smell the roses, because all of us are
blessed in some way or another.
Galatians 6:4-5 tells us this: Pay careful attention to your own
work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't
need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our
own conduct.
Somehow, we manage to downplay who God has designed us to be. We compare
ourselves, down ourselves and even start to become ungrateful with the
blessings God has given us. We think we aren't good enough because of the
material things we don't have. We think we aren't smart enough because we
didn't get the particular job we wanted so badly, when maybe just maybe God has
something greater in store. We think that we aren't beautiful because we get a
few pimples or because we aren't shaped like a perfect figure eight- when God
is only looking at our hearts, he sees our beauty from within.
Defining ourselves based on what the world thinks and not by what God
knows about us will lead us astray and keep us thinking that we aren't enough.
This constant cycle of comparing, I'm guilty of it too. Whether it be someone
on Instagram, a colleague, even a close friend or family member, we somehow
start to compare. Hearts that were once grateful become saddened, bitter, or
envious. We begin to focus on the wrong things. If only we could see how blessed,
we really are and how beautiful we are in Gods eyes. If only we knew how
much we meant to him and that he made us each with so much love and care. God
never intended us to be like the woman standing next to us. Will we ever learn
to fully embrace who he made us to be individually? We must learn to be
satisfied with the things God has blessed us with and not measure what we have
to what our sister next to us has. Keeping a grateful heart is easier when we
keep Christ at the center of our lives.
can be hard to keep our authenticity in this social media driven culture, but
if we focus our eyes on the real prize—a beautiful relationship with Jesus, we
can remain appreciative of who we are in him and all he has done in our lives.
Even if people consider what you have and who you are as less than, always
remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and that GOD made no
mistake when creating you. Just take a look at Psalm 139. I mean God
knitted us together. Like literally MADE us from scratch ya'll. How can we NOT
see how important we are to God?
Psalm 139:13-14
For you formed my inward parts; you knitted
me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made. Wonderful are you works; my soul knows it very well.
today, focus less on what your neighbor has and more on who God is and what
he's already done for you. Today, don't compare your smile, don't compare your
waistline, your car, or your abilities to anyone. I encourage you to think of
things you are grateful for today. I encourage you to take a deep breath and
look at all of the beauty around you. Today, think of God’s love for you and
how he made you in his image. Concentrate on being the best version of you and
not a duplicate of her. Remember, our worth is
not found in this world, what we own or what people think of us, our worth is
found in Christ.
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